Updated March 22, 2023

No consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed before or during any track event, rallye, or autocross event. (This includes guests.)

Everyone present at any event must sign the insurance waiver. Parents must sign an insurance waiver for each child under 18.

All PCA members should be prepared to show their current, valid PCA membership card at registration.

All drivers (members, applicants, and guests) must show a valid driver’s license at registration.

Scoring and trophy structures for Autocross, Concours and Rallye will be at the discretion of the event chairperson(s). On the day of the event, any and all protests will be considered on the basis of common sense, fairness, and sportsmanship. In the absence of these, any and all protests will be ignored.

Ties will be decided by the procedures described at the end of this document.

Year-End Points and Overall Points


You must be a PCA Chicago Region Member at the time of the event to score any Year End or Overall Points and to be eligible for Year End and Overall trophies. Non-Chicago Region PCA members competing in a Porsche, guests competing in a Porsche, or anyone competing in a car other than a Porsche will not be awarded any PCA Chicago Region Year End or Overall Points or trophies. Non-Chicago Region members competing in a Porsche, guests and applicants competing in a Porsche, and anyone competing in a car other than a Porsche may be eligible for event trophies at the discretion of the event chairperson(s).

Overall Points/Trophies

The Overall trophies are awarded to members not only for their skill, but also for their participation in all of our competitive disciplines. To qualify for Overall Trophy points you must:

    1. Participate in at least one event each of Concours, Autocross and Rallye.
    2. Use the same Porsche all year for all Autocross and Concours events unless that car is sold or wrecked. If so, the member must designate the replacement Porsche before the next event.  For Rallye events, a Porsche automobile must be driven except when the member is performing a points awarded function other than competing (such as pre-runner, check point worker, etc.) at a Rallye, in which case a Porsche need not be driven.

      One Overall Point for participation (“Participation Point”) is awarded to each participant of a Chicago Region Concours, Autocross, Rallye, Drivers Education event, and Club Race (each individually an “Event”) for each Event participated in. For purposes of the Overall Award, a multi-day Event shall be counted as one Event.  A Participation Point will also be awarded for participation in Concours Show & Shines however, to be considered for the Overall Award at least one regular Concours must be participated in.

      Additional points are awarded for placement in class (“Placement in Class Points”) at each Chicago Region Concours, Autocross, and Rallye Event as follows:

      • 1st – 6 points
      • 2nd – 5 points
      • 3rd – 4 points
      • 4th – 3 points
      • 5th – 2 points
      • 6th – 1 point

      For purposes of Autocross, several classes may be grouped together for a particular event depending on the number of entries.  In these cases, the placement in that group for that event will determine the “Placement in Class Points”.

      At the end of the year, each Overall participant’s top ten (best ten) finishes will be calculated by the President or the President’s designee.  Based on a combination of the total of Participation Points and the best ten Placement in Class Points (together, “Overall Points”), first through fifth place (five) Overall Trophies will be awarded.

      Year End Points/Trophies

      The Year End Points/Trophies are awarded to members for their skills in each of the following categories:


      The Year End Concours points will be awarded for placement in class as shown in the current PCA Chicago Region “Concours Classes and Notes”. In order to be considered for a Year End Trophy, a member must have participated in the majority of Concours competitions during the season. At the end of the year, all Concours participant scores will be compiled. First through Fifth place (five) Concours Trophies will be awarded.


      The Year End Rallye points will be awarded for placement in “Seat of Pants (SOP)” class as shown in the current PCA Chicago Region “Rallye Classes, Notes, and Definitions”. In order to be considered for a Year End Trophy, a member must have competed in the majority of Rallye competitions during the season. At the end of the year, all Rallye Team participant scores will be compiled. First through Fifth place (five) Rallye Trophies will be awarded.


      The Year End Autocross points will be awarded for placement in class as shown in the current PCA Chicago Region “Autocross Classes and Notes”. In order to be considered for a Year End Trophy, a member must have participated in the majority of Autocross competitions during the season. At the end of the year all Autocross participant scores will be compiled. First through Fifth place (five) Autocross Trophies for Men and Ladies will be awarded.

      Tie Breaks

      If there are two or more competitors tied for a year end award position, the following procedures for each discipline will be used to determine the final placement:


      In the event of a tie between two competitors the one competing in a higher class will receive the higher place award. If both competitors are in the same class, then the one with the greatest number of first place finishes will be awarded the higher place. If a tie still exists after this, then second place finishes will be considered followed by third place finishes if necessary. If after this the tie still exists, then the competitor with the highest aggregate score for all of the Concours events will be awarded the higher place.


      On an event-by-event basis the results for each team will be compared. The team with the greatest number of first place finishes will receive the higher final placement. If a tie still exists after this, then second place finishes will be considered followed by third place finishes if necessary. If after this the tie still exists, then the team with the lowest aggregate score for all of the Rallyes will be awarded the higher place.


      On an event-by-event basis the results for each competitor will be compared. The competitor with the greatest number of first place finishes in class will receive the higher final placement. If a tie still exists after this, then second place finishes will be considered followed by third place finishes if necessary. If after this the tie still exists, then the person competing in the class with the greatest number of participants will be awarded the higher place.


      If two or more competitors are tied for an award in the overall category their heads-up finishes in common events will be used as the tie breaker. If a tie continues to exist after this then the procedures for deciding ties in the individual disciplines as described above will be used.
