
The election results are in. The selections for the 2025-2026 term are:

  • Grace Chen
  • Ross Conforti

Thank-you to all the candidates for volunteering to be considered for these important roles within the club.


All ballots must be signed by the voting member and received by the Nominating Committee Chair via U.S. Mail, common carrier, or electronically, no later than the Thursday (October 31, 2024) before the next regularly scheduled board meeting, normally the first Wednesday of November (November 6, 2024). A member shall be entitled to only one vote regardless of multiple memberships.

There are two (2) Director positions on the ballot.

The candidates are:

  • Grace Chen
  • Ross Conforti
  • Larry Daujotas
  • Mark Prescott

You can choose to submit your ballot via one of the three methods outlined below.

Vote by Mail

If you are going to vote by mail, print, complete, and sign the ballot and mail it to:

PCA Chicago 2025 Election
C/O G Stanley Sangdahl
816 Leona Mae Ct
Naperville, IL 60563

Vote via eMail

If you are submitting your ballot via eMail, download the ballot and save it on your computer. Then complete the fill-in form and electronically sign, or print and scan, or print and photograph the completed ballot and eMail to: Stanley Sangdahl Also, please send your ballot from the email address on file with PCA National ( to ensure it is counted.

If you plan on digitally signing the ballot, it is important that you have selected all of the candidates you wish to vote for as well as entered your name, email address, and member number BEFORE signing the document, since once you sign the ballot, the fields associated with the signature will become read-only and will not be able to be changed.  Note that you must use the Adobe Reader to digitally sign the ballot.  You cannot digitally sign a PDF from within a browser.

Note that there is space for two members to vote on the ballot form. The upper digital signature controls the upper portion of the ballot, and the lower digital signature controls the lower portion of the ballot.  If there are two members in your household, be sure to sign each portion of the ballot with the appropriate signature.  Do not use the same signature for both.

If you have never digitally signed a PDF document, click here for a quick tutorial.

Vote Online

If you want to vote online, use the online ballot here: If you choose to vote online, please provide the email address on file with PCA National ( to ensure it is counted.

Regardless of how you choose to vote, you will need your PCA member number to place on your ballot.  If you do not know your member number, you can find it on the front of your PCA membership card, or you can go to, login and your member number will be displayed under your profile on the left side of the web page.  If you’ve forgotten your password (not unheard of these days), there is a recovery tool using your email address.  Also, please take the time to double check that all your profile information is correct for you and your family or affiliate member.


At the September 4th Board meeting the Nominating Committee presented their selections for the positions on the Chicago Region Board of Directors that need to be filled for the 2025 season.

There are two (2) Director positions that must be filled.

The following candidates were selected:

  • Grace Chen
  • Ross Conforti
  • Larry Daujotas
  • Mark Prescott

According to our current Bylaws (Article VI Section 1) nominations for these positions may also be made by the membership at large via petition.  These nominating petitions should include the name of the member being nominated and the position they are seeking to fill along with the signatures of at least 25 members in good standing.

Please include the printed names of the signatories and their PCA member number to ease validation of the petition.  Completed petitions should be sent to the Nominating Committee Chair, G Stanley Sangdahl, before the October 8th Board meeting.  Scans or digital photographs of the petition may be emailed to Stanley at: or sent via US mail to 816 Leona Mae Ct Naperville, IL 60563.

Ballots for the election will include the slate of candidates selected by the Nominating Committee and any member nominated by petition and will be issued after the October Board meeting.

No nominations from the membership at large were received.

From our Bylaws

Article X: Section 3 – Notice of Elections
Election shall be by ballots published in a variety of media (including the Club’s website, newsletter and/or email) no later than the second Monday of October.

Article X: Section 4 – Ballots
All ballots must be signed by the voting member and received by the Nominating Committee Chair via U.S. Mail, common carrier, or electronically, no later than the Thursday before the next regularly scheduled board meeting, normally the first Wednesday of November. A member shall be entitled to only one vote regardless of multiple memberships.

The ballot shall contain:

  • Names of the nominees
  • Instructions to vote for no more than one candidate for each Officer position.
  • Space for voting for the ACTIVE member’s vote and the FAMILY-ACTIVE member’s vote.
  • Space provided for write-in votes.
  • Space provided for the signature of each voting member, their individual membership number, and their email address (if appropriate).
  • A statement noting the calendar date deadline for the receipt of ballots.

Ballots may be mailed or sent electronically.

Article X: Section 5 – Tellers
After the deadline for receipt of the ballots, the Nominating Committee shall then count the ballots and report the results to the Board of Directors at the regularly scheduled November Board Meeting.

Ballots received after the deadline shall not be counted unless there is a tie for any of the positions. If a tie remains after all the late ballots are tallied, the Nominating Committee Chair shall flip a coin in the presence of the candidates or members present to determine a winner.

Written protests shall be directed to the Board of Directors within 15 days of the results being announced. The Board of Directors have 15 days to hear the objection and determine a resolution. The Board of Directors decision will be final.